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Get Your Glow On with Medical Grade MicroNeedling

At That Master Nurse, we offer microneedling treatments – a revolutionary skin rejuvenation procedure designed to minimize fine lines and wrinkles, minimize pores, reduce the appearance of scars, and even improve skin tone and texture. This minimally invasive treatment involves tiny needles that create microscopic channels in your skin to stimulate collagen production and enhance absorption of topical treatments.

These treatments can help you achieve a more youthful and beautiful look in no time, with results that last for months! If you’re looking for an effective solution to turn back the clock on aging skin, microneedling could be your perfect fit.

Cosmetic injection consultation meeting

Medical Grade Microneedling

Microneedling is a treatment that has been gaining popularity in recent years, and here at That Master Nurse we are proud to provide the latest technology to help you reach your ideal skincare goals.

So how does a microneedling treatment work?

Microneedling is a minimally invasive procedure that uses tiny needles to create microscopic punctures in the skin that stimulate collagen production. This helps reduce wrinkles and acne scars while also improving overall skin tone and texture.

After careful consultation and assessment, we will formulate a specific formula of medical grade injectable serums in order to target your specific problem areas! These serums can target acne, pigmentation, dull skin, texture issues and more while the microneedling stimulates amazing collagen production.

Benefits & Results

The benefits of microneedling are vast and can be seen almost immediately after the first treatment. You may notice an improvement in skin texture and tone as well as a decrease in acne scars, wrinkles and fine lines. This procedure is also great for those with sun-damaged or aging skin, as it helps restore elasticity, improve firmness, increase collagen production and reduce pore size.

When it comes to microneedling results, you’ll start to see improvement within just a few days after your microneedling treatment at That Master Nurse! After about four weeks, you should start to see even more dramatic results like increased radiance, improved tightness and reduced wrinkles.

So what are you waiting for?

Contact us today to book your appointment so that we can help you get the radiant and glowing skin that will make everyone envious! We look forward to helping you achieve beautiful results quickly and easily with a microneedling facial.

medical nurse holding cosmetic injection syringe and bottle


My goal is to help you look and feel your very best. Amongst the many treatments we offer at That Master Nurse, microneedling treatments are one of the most popular options available today. We know there might be a lot of questions swirling in your head about this facial, so why not let us give you all the answers? Read on if you'd like to learn more.

  • How long does a microneedling treatment take?

    Each session typically lasts between 30 and 90 minutes, depending on the area being treated and other factors such as the desired results. 

  • Is it painful?

    You may experience some discomfort during your treatment, but it will likely be minimal compared to other types of skin rejuvenation treatments like laser resurfacing. Most patients report feeling a mild “scratching” sensation during the procedure, which is usually well-tolerated with topical anesthetics or a  numbing cream. 

  • How often should I get a microneedling treatment?

    That depends on your goals and the condition of your skin. Generally, microneedling treatments offer best results with consistent applications. For most people, a series of 3 to 6 treatments spaced out 4–6 weeks apart is recommended for optimal results. However, this can vary depending on your individual needs and concerns.

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Youthful Skin Is Calling

Is your skin looking dull and needing a pick-me-up? Trust That Master Nurse to bring you back to life with Botox and Dysport injections! Those magical injections of youth will have you glowing like never before, smoothing out wrinkles and making undeniable improvements in your appearance. Say goodbye to looking tired and restore that brightness and vibrancy.

Take charge of the way you look - don't let yourself settle for anything but the best!

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